💲Budget Sheet V2

Budget for V2

Here's a breakdown of the budget for V2:

  1. Design Team and Department: $25,000

    • This allocation covers design-related expenses such as UI/UX design, graphics, and user interface improvements.

  2. Development Team and Department: $100,000

    • This budget is dedicated to the development team and department, including software development, coding, and technical infrastructure enhancements for V2.

  3. Legal Team: $50,000

    • The legal team's allocation ensures compliance with regulations, contract drafting, and any legal consultations required for the project.

  4. Listings and Verification of the Token: $110,000

    • This budget covers the costs associated with listing and verifying the token on various exchanges and platforms, enhancing its visibility and liquidity.

  5. Directors and Managers: $75,000

    • This allocation is for the compensation and management of directors and key managers overseeing the project's strategic direction and day-to-day operations.

  6. Revenue Sharing and Rewards: $100,000

    • This allocation is dedicated to the rewards and revenue-sharing system implemented within the dApp. It will continue to be funded to sustain user incentives and engagement.

Please note that these budget allocations are approximate figures and can vary depending on specific project needs, market conditions, and the scope of work involved in each category. It's essential to maintain flexibility in budgeting to adapt to changing circumstances and priorities during the development of V2.

Last updated