General Disclaimers

dApp Disclaimers, Rules, Conditions, and Terms:

By using Pearswap, you confirm and agree to the risks associated with swapping and trading cryptocurrencies, especially new tokens and projects, as well as volatile tokens and coins.

You are fully aware and acknowledge that glitches, bugs, and other hardware and software issues may occur while using our products, which could negatively affect your experience.

You are fully aware and acknowledge that MEV bots and bot attacks of all forms can potentially interfere with transfers, swaps, and transactions, potentially leading to financial losses. Therefore, you must be prepared and take necessary safety measures to mitigate such risks. While our platform and technology have built-in systems, in many cases, you, as a user, must also follow the safety measures outlined in our whitepaper to protect yourself from these attacks.

You agree not to hold us accountable for any financial losses you may incur from your swaps and transactions. It is entirely your responsibility to make informed decisions, even though we have designed a robust platform that can take proactive measures to help you avoid potential losses.

You also confirm that your country and region permit the usage of cryptocurrencies and trading, and you accept full responsibility for complying with your country's laws and regulations in this regard.

Last updated