Public (Selling)

A step-by-step guide to using the public listing function of the PEAR Swap platform to sell your cryptocurrency. This guide explains how to sell assets using the ‘public’ function of pool creation.

  1. Connect your wallet to your preferred DEX swap (for example, Uniswap or Kyberswap)

  2. Set your slippage to 6% (as taxes are 4/4) and purchase some $PEAR tokens

  3. Open the PEAR Swap platform and connect your wallet that now contains $PEAR tokens and the tokens you would like to sell (keeping in mind you will always need some $ETH to interact with the Ethereum blockchain)

  4. Navigate to the ‘create pool’ button on the home screen, and begin pool creation

  5. Toggle the BUY/SELL button to 'SELL'

  6. Choose the token you would like to sell, the number of that specific token, and the currency and price you would like to receive in trade

  7. Where it asks for pool type, choose public; this will provide visibility for those looking to buy from PEAR swap

  8. Click ‘create pool’ – this will then interact with the platforms’ immutable smart contract, and after first approving the interaction, you will then be prompted again, where you will pay the gas fee you are presented with and the funds you have chosen to list for sale will be transferred to the smart contract (which will act as an escrow service)

That’s it! As the seller, your job is now complete. All you need to do now is wait for a prospective buyer to take interest in your listing. When they do, through a similar process they will interact with the platform, and their funds will be transferred to the same smart contract acting as escrow. The payment requirements for this agreement having now been met, the funds are automatically released to the appropriate parties – the seller receiving the agreed upon payment, the buyer receiving the agreed upon purchase.

Last updated